The Grand Scheme of Things
Ben and Joe collect perspectives on climate action in Australia because they're unimpressed by stamps, crystals and model trains. It's a podcast about making a podcast, as well. Healthy Choice - this program is packed full of 'ums' and 'likes' that help to support a strong attention span.
The Grand Scheme of Things
26. Scott Ludlam
Get/Yourself Studios
Season 1
Episode 28
Deepening suspicions that Ben and Joe are merely agents of the Australian Greens, this edition of TGSOT features former rockstar federal senator Scott Ludlam. Having left parliament in frustrating circumstances, Scott remains committed to the environmental cause and we’d been especially keen to speak with him after reading his recent book, 'Full Circle'.
A few technical difficulties here as a result of a flaky Zoom connection, but you’ll be unfazed if you just imagine we're speaking to a war correspondent shouting back at us from the climate frontline! Let's go!