The Grand Scheme of Things
Ben and Joe collect perspectives on climate action in Australia because they're unimpressed by stamps, crystals and model trains. It's a podcast about making a podcast, as well. Healthy Choice - this program is packed full of 'ums' and 'likes' that help to support a strong attention span.
The Grand Scheme of Things
48. Craig Foster
Get/Yourself Studios
Season 1
Episode 50
Our last recorded discussion before the most important election in the history of democracy, so who better to unpack the big topics with than Craig 'Fozz' Foster?!
Craig was the 40th captain of the Socceroos and he’s a bona fide icon of Australian football. These days he's making waves in the space of human rights, multiculturalism and diversity. Craig is an articulate and passionate communicator, so don't be alarmed if you find yourself agreeing with everything he says! You’ll hear evaluations on Australia's treatment of refugees, the current business model of sports, and Craig’s biggest influences. As always, there’s also a dash of climate conversation.
Active listening will be rewarded. God bless and we’ll see you at the top!